August 30, 2010

Two Chickens and an Egg

1.4 miles in the rain with a stroller, up and down the stairstep sidewalks that line the streets here. That is how far I walked on Saturday night after the Chicks left, to get an arepa juevo, or a fried egg encased in an arepa (which is pretty much a cornmeal pancake). I had company - the sixteen year old granddaughter of our translator. She insisted that I need to try this food, and that there was only one place to get it. So we walked. And walked, and walked and walked. I must also add that AMP left implicit instructions to only walk to the right of the hotel, for safety reasons. Don't you know, we walked left. But can I tell you, that it was sick good, and it only cost 1000 mil pesos (or 50 cents). Pollo refused at first, and insisted on eating only the bread roll covered in coconut that I bought for him at the next door bakery. But of course, the last bite wasn't mine, he was destroying it by then. I now understand why Moms have to eat separate meals - I haven't finished an entire meal on my own since I left the states - those children are stealing all my food! He almost started an war though, when he wanted this one. Unfortunately, he is awful persuasive - I think it is the dimples.

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