June 11, 2012

Chicken Comes Home to Roost

A year ago, as many of you know, the DeChickens moved into a new coop - in a new part of the old state.  Both AMP and Chicken were quite sure it was the right thing to do for everyone, though it would require Chicken to keep working full time for quite some time.  This was a good house for the growing family, and a great new house for AMP who no longer had to work on the extremely old, old house, so life was good.

Six months ago, small massive miracles began to take place, and AMP and Chicken made a new plan to make an old dream come true - Ultimate Chicken Mama would stay at the new coop with the three crazy chicks. And the plan seemed to work, and all was good.

Three months ago, Chicken got very scared about the new plan - the old job was a very good one, and very safe.  Chickening out began, but AMP pressed on and made this Chicken stay on the path, and all was good.

Two months ago, Chicken gave her notice on a random Wednesday, and despite more nervousness and cold Chicken feet, all of the awesome friends and family around her told her that all was well, and all was good.

One week ago, Chicken woke up on Monday morning, drove the little chicks to school, but did not cross the road to get on the highway and drive to the good job.  Instead, this Chicken turned around and drove home - to a greater job.  And so begins a new chapter in Happily Ever After, and all is good. 


Carol said...

WOW! Love this! Did not know you were a blogger. Very nice! Great job! Carol

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to see what this new chapter brings!
Kim Donald